In my country most of the classes start at 7 am (I know that's too early) but, if that's the rule, everybody should get there on time. I spend half an our almost alone in the class room, befor even the teacher appears, so I started wondering why is this happening? And I figured out that if anyone is supervising the teachers, them won't ever be on time, and if the teachers are never there on time, what kind of weird student in the world would be there at 7? The answer is me! I just can't break that kind of rules, it doesn't matter if everyone does, I simply can't, for me is almost impossible to get to a place at 8 if the time-table says you must be there at 7...
So please people, we just have 2 options, One, is that I start getting late more often, and, the second one is, that everyone can make an effort to get on time!
So yeah I wrote this while I was alone in the class room waiting for the teacher, and the rest of the students arrive!!
So this is it... I'll try to be late more often and I hope they'd try to get earlier for a change. C ya tomorrow with a new full pictures post!!!
dayumm! 7 really?! that's so early!
i wish i had your will power to get to school on time, haha
Hahaah it sucks pretty much... And i have to wake up at 4:50 hahaha
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